The Herald Family Business Breakfast is back for more discussion and debate
THE Herald Family Business Breakfast is back.
After a hugely successful inaugural breakfast in 2018, The Herald Family Business Breakfast, with support from Business Gateway, Campbell Dallas, Clydesdale Bank, Strathclyde Business School, TL Dallas, Turcan Connell and Western Pension Solutions, is back for 2019.
The event will take place on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at WEST on the Green, Glasgow.
This breakfast is free to attend for anyone in Scotland who runs or is part of a family business.
The morning will provide attendees with the opportunity to network, address topical issues for discussion and debate whilst bringing together leading family businesses.
Cara Mackay, Managing Director of Gillies and Mackay Ltd and Director of CMA Ltd will be on the panel, along with Jane Wylie-Roberts, Chief Executive of Stafffinders, a second-generation family business involved in the search and selection of talented professionals throughout Scotland. More panel members will be announced shortly.
Hugh Lightbody, Chief Officer Business Gateway National Unit said: “The Herald Scottish Family Business Breakfast offers a fantastic opportunity for Scotland’s leading family enterprises to share their knowledge, network, learn from one another and be inspired by industry leaders.”
Fraser Campbell, Partner & Head of Family Business at Campbell Dallas, said: “We look forward to sharing insight and discussion on key topics and issues with leading family businesses at the event.”
Deyrick Smith, Commercial Area Manager, West of Scotland, at Clydesdale Bank, said the family breakfast event “recognises the importance of the nation’s family firms and their contribution to our economy”.
He added: “As a bank, we remain committed to supporting Scottish family businesses, helping them to grasp opportunities and navigate difficult times.”
Bernard Dunn, Client Director, TL Dallas, said, “Once again we are delighted to be supporting the Herald Family Business Awards, especially as TL Dallas celebrates 100 years as a family business.
“Every year the awards seem to get better, and the most rewarding part for so many companies, is meeting other business owners and building new relationships.
“If you are thinking of entering this year, I would say – Do It! The benefits for your business are tangible and long term”
Mike Kennedy, Director of Western Pension Solutions in Scotland, said, “As part of a family business ourselves, we understand the importance of family firms across the UK and recognise that they represent a significant force as an employer, income generator and wealth creator throughout Scotland. We are delighted to support the Family Business Breakfast as it provides another opportunity to elevate family firms to the national agenda and give them the profile that they deserve.”
John Anderson, Head of SME Engagement, Strathclyde Business School, said, “As Scotland’s leading business school, Strathclyde Business School is committed to the advancement of family business and is delighted to be part of the Scottish Family Business Breakfast once again.
At the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship within the Business School, we use our experience as family business researchers and practitioners to inform economic policy and, with our unique Growth Advantage Programme, provide practical, accessible and useful learning so that Scotland’s family businesses can continue to be the real wealth creators in Scotland – creating employment and prosperity for our communities.”
Jack Gardiner, family businesses and entrepreneurs Partner at Scotland’s leading Private Client law firm, Turcan Connell, commented: “We are delighted to be sponsoring the Herald Family Business Breakfast. Our main focus is on providing individuals and their families with the legal and tax advice they require over the years and across generations.
“We see this event as an important opportunity for family businesses in Scotland to gather and share experiences and we look forward to the day with great anticipation.”
To find out more and how to register please contact Holly Rutherford on 0141 302 6019 or visit: www.newsquestscotlandevents.com/events/the-herald-scottish-family-business-breakfast/