Politician of the Year puts focus on campaigning

Scotland‘s most prestigious political awards have issued the final call in the search for the country’s most impressive and effective campaign of the last 12 months.

Nominations for the Public Campaigner category in The Herald Scottish Politician of the Year Awards 2019 close on Thursday.

Last year, the award was won by Gillian Murray, who secured an independent review of mental health services at NHS Tayside’s Carseview Centre, which twice turned away her uncle before his suicide.

Now in their 21st year, the awards are the highlight of the political calendar and are supported by Virgin Trains, ScottishPower, Openreach, NVT Group, Royal Bank of Scotland and the Scottish Grocers Federation.

The evening is enjoyed by elected officials, key decision makers, commentators and opinion formers and is an ideal way to make new contacts and renew acquaintances.

As well as being hugely enjoyable, it recognises the excellent work done at Holyrood and Westminster, and the politicians – at national and local level – at the heart of events.

This year’s judging panel is chaired by The Herald Editor and Newsquest Scotland Editor-in-chief Donald Martin, who will review each of
the categories.

As in previous years, we welcome nominations in the Public Campaigner of the Year Award.

All submissions must be submitted by September 12 to be included.

As well at the Politician of the Year, the best debaters, community champions, promising MSPs, and most savvy politicians on social media will also be recognised at a glamorous ceremony at Prestonfield House in Edinburgh on November 21.

Hamish Fraser, Managing Director of NVT Group, said: “We are supporting the Donald Dewar Debater of the Year category once again in 2019 and we have been proud to present the award to seven commendable winners over the years.

Everyone at NVT is looking forward to hearing the nominees for 2019 and finding out who could be the next worthy recipient of the award.”
Brendan Dick, chair of the Openreach board in Scotland, said: “Our work in better connecting Scotland’s communities means regular contact with local politicians – so we see first hand their energy, enthusiasm and determination to stand up for constituents.

“We are supporting the Local Politician of the Year award to recognise the pivotal role our elected representatives play in communities the length and breadth of Scotland.  Last year’s nominees achieved some amazing things and we look forward to hearing more inspirational stories this year.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of ScottishPower, said: “We are delighted to be sponsoring the One to Watch category again, always a closely contested category.  We look forward to finding out who the nominees are.”

“This is the first time we have been involved as a sponsor and we are delighted to be associated with such a high-profile event.”

Malcolm Buchanan, chair, Scotland Board, Royal Bank of Scotland, said: “This year has proved to be one of the most significant periods in modern political history for the Scottish and UK Governments and has brought into focus the difference strong and sincere political leadership makes.”

To discuss the Public Campaigner category, please contact Lyndsay Wilson, Events Director on 0141 302 7407 or email Lyndsay.wilson@heraldandtimes.co.uk