Jack Vize played with Chris Helme.
A SOCIALLY-conscious young musician hopes to hit the high notes with judges after being put forward for a Tele community champion award.
Jack Vize, 18, has been playing the guitar since he was only six and he started on the gig circuit around three years ago.
The singer and guitarist has played at a whole host of venues and he has also raised more than £1,000 for charity playing across Inverclyde and Renfrewshire.
Rising star Jack says he is very proud to be in the mix for the Live Music honour at our awards.
He said: “It’s a bit of a surprise to be nominated but it’s really lovely that someone has taken the time to think about me.
“It’s great for things to be celebrated.”
The Port soloist is preparing for a career in what he loves by studying music and music business at West College Scotland’s Finnart Street campus.
He says he is learning a great deal on his course and feels it has helped him as a performer and a songwriter, as well as providing him with knowledge on how the industry works.
Former St Stephen’s High School pupil Jack plays lots of smash-hit covers but he’s hoping to start working with new people and crafting his own tunes.
He added: “I’ve been trying to get involved in projects with people with I haven’t worked with before and to do things that are a bit different that haven’t been done before.
“It helps me come up with new ideas.”
At the end of 2019, Jack was stunned when ex-Seahorses frontman Chris Helme asked him to play guitar during his set at McGeoch’s in Greenock.
Jack shared the mic with him for a rendition of the band’s most famous song, ‘Love Is the Law’ and last month he celebrated his 18th birthday on stage at the same venue.