Launched : North Ayrshire Sports Awards 2017

THIS week we launch the 2017 North Ayrshire Community Sports Awards – and it is down to you who will be celebrated this year.

The North Ayrshire Community Sports Awards recognises, celebrates and honours the extraordinary achievements of local people who use the power of sport to make a positive impact within their community.

Since their inception in 2015, the awards have gained the respect and support of the sporting community and local community because of our thorough judging process and high calibre awards evening, celebrating the winners and nominees in a range of award categories.

As the voice of the local community, Ayrshire Weekly Press report on all aspects of local life, including sport, and has a unique understanding of the local sporting landscape and its positive impact within the community.

The event encompasses a wide range of community sport aspects from local coaches increasing participation levels to individuals who have made significant improvements to their life as a direct result of taking part in their chosen sport or activity. The main theme at the heart of the event is recognising the positive effect sport has on the North Ayrshire community.

The event looks at a wide range of community sporting opportunities engaging with athletes, coaches, volunteers and kit washers from our local communities and clubs and from any age.

The main themes running through the event is community, well-being and team spirit all over the whole of North Ayrshire.

Caroline Paterson, Group Editor Ayrshire Weekly Press said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to recognise the impact sport, in its broadest sense, can help a community come together for the good of all its citizens.

“From elite sports men and women, to the less physically able, from ambitious athletics and martial arts clubs to the youth football games on your street corner, North Ayrshire is full of talent – people committed to making their towns a healthier place.

“We look forward to hearing their stories, and receiving many nominations from all sectors of the community.”

The categories for this year’s event are • Community Coach of the Year • Young Coach of the Year • Sports Ambassador of the Year • Young Sports Ambassador of the Year • Volunteer of the Year • Young Volunteer of the Year • Team of the Year • School Sport Award • Partnership in Sport Award • Power of Sport Award YOU have until Thursday, September 7, 2017 to enter- so there’s no time to waste to nominate your heroes.

Anyone can nominate so head along to our special website and take the chance to recognise those groups and individuals who bring the power of sport to your community.

They could be a star coach, have an inspirational role in getting kids involved in sport, or maybe go the extra mile in helping vital sporting interests alive.

Seek out the wesbite at

There, you can browse through the award categories, read the criteria and decide which award you want to nominate someone for.

You can then just use our simple step-by-step nomination forms.

You’ll also find details about the gala awards evening, taking place on Thursday, October 26, 2017.

For more information on the categories or how to enter contact Nina Holmes on 0141 302 6036 or email

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