A WOMAN from Gourock who has dedicated her life to helping girls fulfil their potential has been nominated for a Tele community champion award.
Sandra McColl, who put her heart and soul into helping run the 27th Greenock Guides for many years, has been nominated as an unsung hero.
The 61-year-old, who lives in Duthie Road, says she was taken aback by the nomination.
Sandra said: “I can’t believe it.
“I’ve been doing it for so long that it’s part of my life.
“My mum was a widow and she sent me and my sister to the guides.
“I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to give something back to the guides and give other young people the same opportunities and help them to reach their potential.”
Sandra, who inspired her two daughters Samantha, 32, and Ashley, 36, to also volunteer, was put forward by young people who are involved in the guides.
Their nomination said: “Sandra has dedicated her life to guides so that everyone could have something to look forward to every week.
“She gives us so many opportunities to go on trips.
“For example in October last year we headed on a four day trip to Disneyland Paris and we go to the pantomime every year.
“Sandra likes to remind us that guides offers opportunities but also a place to feel safe from the outside world.”
Sandra also works as a community nurse and her medical skills have helped in her voluntary role.
The nomination continues: “As well as being a guide leader Sandra is also a nurse caring for people everyday which I think is an advantage for us because there have been a few medical emergencies within guides and they have been resolved thanks to Sandra and her daughter Samantha.
“I feel like Sandra deserves to get a reward for all the hard work she puts in for us.”
Sandra has been nominated for the senior community champion award.
There is still to nominate people for any of the categories in our community awards competition.
To nominate go to www.newsquestscotlandevents.com/events/greenockcommchamp/ before the closing date on March 13.