Finalists announced for The Herald’s Higher Education Awards

The stage is set for The Herald’s 2019 Higher Education Awards.

THE finalists for The Herald’s prestigious Higher Education Awards have been announced.
The awards, now in their fifth year, were launched to recognise the outstanding achievements of colleges and universities.
Projects which have made it to the final include innovations in teaching and research and outstanding partnerships between institutions, industry and the wider community.

The awards also recognise institutions leading the way in the recruitment of talented students from more disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as those doing important work to support equality and diversity.

The Higher Educational Institution of the Year and the Lifetime Achievement Award will be announced at an awards ceremony in Glasgow next month.
This year, the awards are supported by the Scottish Funding Council, Dixon Walter, Scotwest Credit Union, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), City of Glasgow College, technology provider Jisc, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Scotland and IT and consulting business, CGI.

Barclay McBain, executive editor of The Herald and chair of the judging panel, said the awards had attracted more than 100 entries.
He said: “My fellow judges and I were greatly impressed not only by the quantity of submissions, but also by the quality.”
Steve Smart, senior vice president for CGI in Scotland, said the event was an important way to recognise excellence in a sector “which will be instrumental in defining the future of individuals, the economy and the country as a whole”.

Alan Walter, a partner with Dixon Walter, said: “It proved difficult to decide on the winners given the high quality of submissions. We viewed all entrants as winners.”

David McRiner, chair of the Scotwest Credit Union, said: “We are looking forward to finding out more about the great work done by all the groups shortlisted.”
Alistair McKay, the SQA’s regional manager, added: “The exceptionally high standard of entries reflects the excellent work across the sector.”

The ceremony takes place on Wednesday, June 5 at the Crowne Plaza, Glasgow. To attend please visit
The finalists in full:

Enhancing Student Learning Award – Sponsored by QAA Scotland
Fife College – MathsLAB
University of Aberdeen – Toolkit
University of Glasgow – The Academic Writing Skills Programme (AWSP)
University of St Andrews – Transitions Toolkit, CAPOD

Supporting Student Wellbeing Award – Sponsored by Scotwest Credit Union
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh – Stay-on-Course at QMU
University of Dundee – LIVE Smart & LEARN Smart
University of Edinburgh – Andy Shanks
University of Glasgow – CaPS – Counselling and Psychological Service

Outstanding Contribution from a University Student Award
Claire Stevenson – University of the West of Scotland
Jamie Dalgoutte – University of Glasgow
Lara McDonald – Abertay University
Rawad Oaq – University of Dundee
Yetunde Ogendengbe – Glasgow Caledonian University

Outstanding Contribution from a College Student Award
Carol Hunter – Fife College
Dean Clark – Edinburgh College
Kathryn Docherty – West College Scotland

Outstanding Contribution from a Staff Member Award
Craig Walker – Fife College
Jo Turbitt – Edinburgh College
Professor Kurt Mills – University of Dundee

Research Project of the Year Award
University of Edinburgh and University of the West of Scotland – The integration of British Transport Police into Police Scotland: identifying risks and framing the debate. Dr Kath Murray (University of Edinburgh) Dr Colin Atkinson (University of the West of Scotland)

University of Glasgow – Dynamic Coast
University of Glasgow – Runaway Slaves in Britain
University of Strathclyde – Rapid Sepsis Test Research
University of the West of Scotland – UWS Research into Acanthamoeba Keratitis led by Professor Fiona Henriquez

Outstanding Business Engagement in Universities Award – Sponsored by SQA
Robert Gordon University – Innovation@RGU
University of Edinburgh – Data Driven Innovation Programme
University of Glasgow – Clinical Innovation Zone – Driving Precision Medicine
University of Glasgow – Supporting NHS Counter Fraud Services

Outstanding Business Engagement in Colleges Award – Sponsored by SQA
Fife College – Creating the Life Science Workforce of Tomorrow – Partnership between Fife College, NHS Lothian and The University of Edinburgh
West College Scotland – A.C Whyte Skills Academy
West Highland College UHI – Dynamic Workforce Development

Innovative Use of Technology Award – Sponsored by Jisc
Edinburgh College – HNC Mechanical Engineering (Enhanced Distance Learning)
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
University of Edinburgh – 360 Degree Videos/Images and Virtual Reality in Online Distance learning – Dr David Hampton and Dr Chris MacKenzie

University of Edinburgh – Wikipedia in the Curriculum

Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community Award
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh – All4Paws
University of Dundee / Abertay University – V&A Dundee
University of Glasgow – STEM in the Gorbals – led by Dr Saeeda Bhatti of Medical Genetics & Genomics
West College Scotland – Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Veteran Outreach & Sharon Gardiner

Partnership Award
Edinburgh Napier University – On the Outside
Fife College – Team Sally
The Data Lab – The Data Lab Masters Programme
University of the West of Scotland – UWS in Partnership: Changing Lives Through Technology Enabled Care

Marketing/PR Campaign of the Year Award

Fife College – FWDF Marketing
University of Dundee – #DiscoverDundee
University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh University Students’ Association – #NoExcuse – ending sexual harassment and violence on campus
University of the West of Scotland – UWS Open Days with a Festival Flavour

Widening Access Award – Sponsored by Scottish Funding Council
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland – Regional Arts Hub at Dumfries House
The Open University – Widening access to nursing in Grampian
University of Glasgow – Glasgow Medical School Access Programme
West Lothian College – Widening access through international opportunities

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award – Sponsored by Dixon Walter

Glasgow Caledonian University – Promoting Intercultural Awareness – a baseline for internationalisation at GCU (Yetunde Ogedengbe, Frances MacInnes, Adrian Lui, Fraser McLeish)
The Open University – Reducing gender imbalance in engineering
University of Edinburgh – Refugee and At-Risk Scholars Work
University of Strathclyde – Supporting Staff with Caring Responsibilities

Higher Educational Institution of the Year Award – Sponsored by CGI
To be announced on the evening

Lifetime Achievement Award – Sponsored by City of Glasgow College
To be announced on the evening