The Herald Property
Business Breakfast

Scotland has an ever-evolving Property sector; facing challenges in uncertain times but continues to be innovative, resilient and adaptable. The inaugural Herald Property Business Breakfast took place on Tuesday, June 25 at Skypark in Glasgow and provided a platform to discuss the part the sector plays in our economy, workforce, planning, development and much more.

The Herald Property Business Breakfast

Scotland has an ever-evolving Property sector; facing challenges in uncertain times but being innovative, resilient and adaptable. The inaugural Herald Property Business Breakfast seeks to address topical issues for discussion and debate.



The Herald Property Business Breakfast took place on Tuesday, June 25 from 8am-10.30am at SkyPark, Glasgow.
The event focussed on the challenges that are faced in the property sector, discussing present day issues within the workforce, development, planning and infrastructure stages.
Tickets were priced at £25 +VAT & Eventbrite Fee.

Gordon Stevenson
Digital Transformation Director, Newsquest Scotland

Business Breakfast Programme

8.00am Networking and Breakfast

8.30am Welcome, Gordon Stevenson, Digital Transformation Director, The Herald

Opening Address – Angela Higgins, Director at Resonance Capital, Skypark

8.45am Keynote Speaker –  Miller Mathieson, Executive Director, CBRE Managing Director Scotland & Northern Ireland

9.00am Panel Discussion and Q&A session

10.00am Coffee and Networking

10.30am Event Concludes

Who we heard from

Keynote Speaker

Miller Mathieson
Managing Director of the Scotland and Northern Irelands Business

Welcome Address

Angela Higgins
Director at Resonance Capital
Skypark’s Strategic Lettings Advisor


Panel Member

Johane Murray
Head of Real Estate
Brodies LLP

Panel Member

Tony Boyle
Regional Sales Manager

Panel Member

Lisa Mullholland
Contract Manager
Maxwell Bruce

Panel Member

Stuart Stott


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If you have any questions or need more information on the event or would like to get involved, please contact Events Executive, Holly Rutherford on 0141 302 6019 or

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