Dunfermline: Finalists for the Community Champion Awards 2023
The finalists for this year’s Dunfermline Press / Central Fife Times Community Champion Awards can now be revealed.
A panel of judges had the difficult task of drawing up a shortlist for each award category from scores of entries sent in from across the West and Central Fife areas.
The aim of the awards is to reward and celebrate the people who make our communities a better place – and every one of our finalists certainly does that.
We’re delighted to be bringing back our awards this year after the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns meant we had to mothball this fantastic showcase of our area and its people.
If anything, the last few years have further highlighted the importance of community and looking out for each other, and that was reflected by the many inspirational, inspiring, caring and generous people nominated for our awards.
Each and every one of them would have been a deserving winner, so the task facing the judging panel was certainly not an easy one.
Press editor Kevin McRoberts said: “It’s been a difficult last few years for so many people in our communities, but these last few years have also seen a great many people step up to help those less fortunate than themselves, giving their time and efforts to make other people’s lives that little bit better.
“That was clearly evident from the many entries we received. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to submit a nomination, and we’d like to thank everyone who was nominated for everything they do for their communities.
“I’d also like to thank all the judges for the huge amount of time they gave to reading all the nominations and helping to select our finalists.
“And a special mention to our awards sponsors, without whom none of this would be possible. Thank you everyone.”
The judging panel this year comprised Catherine Cockburn, Fife Voluntary Action; Ieuan Williams, editor of Central Fife Times; PC Scott Morgan, Police Scotland; Kevin McRoberts, editor of Dunfermline Press; Gillian Taylor, Carnegie Dunfermline Trust; and Patricia Payne, Bandrum Nursing Home.
The Community Champion Awards are generously sponsored by Bandrum Nursing Home, Technip FMC, Fife Council and Stagecoach.
Community Champions Awards night will take place at the Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline, on Thursday, June 15.