The deadline for companies to enter The Herald Scottish Family Business Awards is fast approaching. Family-owned firms have only until October 2 to get entries in for the 10 categories which cover areas such as innovation, community involvement, customer service excellence and international growth. Entries for the event, which is supported by Business Gateway, Burness Paull, Clydesdale Bank, Campbell Dallas, Craig Corporate, TL Dallas, Foundation Scotland and Grand Central Hotel.
Hugh Lightbody, chief officer at the Business Gateway national unit, said: “Being recognised by a group of independent judges for the high standard of business you operate tells both your existing and potential customers that your business is one of the best around. “I would encourage every family business to consider entering as the entry process not only makes you focus on how the business is being run but there is also the chance of raising your profile and picking up a prestigious award.”
Giles Ruck, chief executive of Foundation Scotland, said: “The Scottish Family Business awards is a chance to celebrate the values of those companies who seek to make a long lasting impact.”
Alastair Christmas, regional director of Clydesdale Bank, said: “Family businesses are a vital part of our economy, as well as the foundations of our local communities. “We’d like to encourage entries from all industries across Scotland, and look forward to celebrating the achievements at the awards.”
Fraser Campbell, partner at Campbell Dallas, said: “Campbell Dallas would encourage family businesses of all shapes and sizes to get involved in such a worthwhile event.”
Bernard Dunn, Client Director of TL Dallas, said: “Last year’s entrants to the awards enjoyed an extremely useful bench marking exercise, against which to measure their own objectives as a firm. When I see how much last year’s attendees enjoyed and benefited from the Awards event, I would say now that this is the Family Business event which is not to be missed.”
Grant Stevenson, partner, said: “I would encourage Scotland’s family businesses to take this opportunity to showcase their unique success stories. It really is the night for family businesses to shine.”