Budget will be under microscope at briefing held by The Herald

THE ramifications for Scottish business and householders from Monday’s Budget will be under the microscope at an event being held by The Herald in Glasgow on Tuesday.

The Herald Budget Briefing, held with Campbell Dallas, ThinCats, Wright Johnston & Mackenzie and 200 SVS, will see measures unveiled by Chancellor Philip Hammond debated by an expert panel.

Political commentator Iain Macwhirter will chair proceedings.

Fraser Campbell, head of family businesses at Campbell Dallas, said a “stabilising budget providing tax breaks for smaller businesses would be a popular move.” But he said it is “likely the chancellor may be cautious until more is known about the terms of any Brexit deal”.

John Mould, chief executive of business finance provider ThinCats, said: “If the UK is preparing to become the post-Brexit global economy it wishes to be, then I would like to see the government place

business investment at the centre of this Budget. “

Grant Johnson, partner at Wright Johnston & Mackenzie, said: “This is a critical yet uncertain time for the UK. Businesses and individuals will be anxiously waiting to see what this budget brings.”

A spokesman for event 200 SVS said: “We are delighted to be welcoming businesses and individuals from an array of different industries to The Herald Budget Briefing Breakfast 2018 at 200 SVS, for the fourth consecutive year.”

The event, at 200 St Vincent Street, starts at 8am. Tickets are £10 plusVAT. For information, visit/newsquestscotlandevents.com/events/budget-

briefing-breakfast/ or call Nina Holmes on 0141 302 6036, nina.holmes@newsquest.co.uk