Adele is crowned 53rd Evening Times Scotswoman of the Year

The inspiration behind Glasgow Women’s Library has been named 53rd Evening Times Scotswoman of the Year.

Adele Patrick, who has worked tirelessly for 25 years to turn the library into an internationally-recognised museum and valuable community resource accepted the trophy at a glittering awards dinner in the City Chambers last night.

More than 250 invited guests cheered and applauded as the stunned winner made her way to the stage.

Adele said: “I am overwhelmed and humbled – I am so proud to be part of the SWOTY family.”

She paid tribute to the library staff and volunteers, and added: “I owe everything to Glasgow and to Scotland, which has been my home since 1984.

“I dedicate this award to the remarkable, courageous, creative and caring women of Scotland.”

Evening Times executive editor Rob Bruce said: “Adele’s hard work and passion has made a difference to the lives of thousands of women, through her unwavering belief that all women should be able to contribute to society.

“She is a worthy winner of Scotswoman of the Year, and we are delighted to honour her incredible achievements.”

Anne Ledgerwood, General Manager of event partner St. Enoch Centre said: “Each of our finalists are worthy winners in their own right but with the Glasgow Women’s Library celebrating its 25th anniversary the time is right to pay tribute to its founder Adele Patrick.

“She is a source of advice, support and inspiration for women from Glasgow and beyond. Glasgow is extremely lucky to have the women’s library – and women from all over Scotland are extremely lucky to have Adele.”

Around 250 women attended the event, in the spectacular surroundings of Glasgow City Chambers, including Lord Provost Sadie Docherty, actress Joyce Falconer, politician Johann Lamont, charity and business representatives and many former SWOTYs and their families.

Tributes were also paid to Margaret Miller, former SWOTY and champion volunteer, who died recently, at the grand old age of 105.

Entertainment was provided by Glasgow singer Sarah Cassidy, who appeared on BBC’s The Voice and guest speaker was Dr Margo Whiteford, of Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland.