Greenock Telegraph Community Champions finalists announced

THE very best of everything about Inverclyde will be celebrated on the eve of the King’s coronation when the Greenock Telegraph’s Community Champions are crowned at a glittering awards bash.

We have been flooded with host of excellent nominations for this year’s event — the first since the Covid pandemic — which will be held at Greenock Town Hall on the evening of May 5.

The Tele is passionate about Inverclyde and the people who enhance our communities and make them great.

And the judges had a really tough task on their hands to pick the winners because everyone nominated is a worthy champ in their own right.

Tele editor David Goodwin said: “Council leader Stephen McCabe, police chief inspector Damian Kane and myself agonised long and hard over our final decisions.

“You really do want to give an award to each and every one, but difficult decisions had to be reached.

“I echo the comments of my predecessor, Brian Hossack, when I say that nothing makes the Tele news team happier than writing stories which make a difference to local people and those which show Inverclyde in the best light.

“There is no doubt that each and every person or group nominated are shining examples of everything that is great about the district.”

Councillor McCabe said: “The standard of entries shows the strong community spirit, commitment and dedication of people, groups and businesses across Inverclyde.

“All of the entries are a credit to Inverclyde and everyone nominated or shortlisted should be proud of their achievement and that someone took the time to recognise what they have done for our community.

“While all of the categories are worthy of note, as the council sponsors the business category we are particularly happy to recognise diverse businesses each delivering for the community and helping to keep the local economy thriving.”

William Peacock of sponsors Platinum Paving said: “Myself and the team at Platinum Paving would like to congratulate our three little champions who have made it to the final.

“No doubt the competition was fierce and the judges must have had a tremendously difficult job getting it down to just three kids.

“I would like to congratulate Jessica , Farragh and Eva for making it to the final and I can’t wait to see their faces on the 5th of May.

“Let’s celebrate what’s great about every one of you!”

The finalists are:

Sporting Champion on the Year

· Amy Muir

· Gillian Duffy

· Graham McLennan

· Isaac Dunning

· Jayden McGivern, Nathan Cannon and Taylor Coultar – Scottish School’s FA

· Lucha DS

· Luke McCowan

· Michael Eardley

· Noah Waddell

Teacher of the Year

· Lauren Hair Dance Company

· Stuart Clark

· Ann Marie Campbell

Little Champion of the Year – sponsored by Platinum Paving

· Eva Campbell

· Farrah McLaughlin

· Jessica Glover

Health & Care Champion of the Year

· Greenock Medical Aid Society

· Inverclyde Maternity Unit

· St. Andrews First Aid

Senior Community Champion of the Year

· Alvera Rodgers

· Billy Monkhouse

· Julie Tarrant

· Margaret Sneddon

Business Champion of the Year – sponsored by Inverclyde Council

· Ann Marie Campbell – DMDiamondz

· Clyde Eats

· GlowBambino Inverclyde

· Tailored bathrooms

· Xcite

Live Music Award

· Chloe Matharu

· Jack Vize

· Martin Stephen Jones

· Reely Jiggered

· The Swamp Jocks

Charity Champion of the Year

· Chris Thomson and Family

· Greenock Medical Aid Society

· Jordan Finnegan

· Joyce Demelas

· Karen Orr, RIG Arts

· Kimberley Woodman

· Moving On Inverclyde

· St. Andrew’s First Aid

· Taylor Kitchen

Judge’s Special Recognition Award – to be announced on the night

Outstanding Community Spirit – to be announced on the night

Heart of Gold

· Chloe Havlin

· Claire Ford

· Claire Saunderson

· Jenni Kathleen Bosch

· Lauren Rigley

· Paddy McAlees

· Pamela MacDonald

· Taylor Kitchen

Community Champion of the Year – sponsored by RCH Group

· Angela Slaven

· Ann Marie Campbell

· Balclutha Court

· Francis Quinn

· Inverclyde Community Food Network

· Joe McIlwee

· Kimberley Woodman

· Liz Hunter

· Lyle Gateway

· Rhys McCole Fitness

· Sheila Keenan

· Tracy Lapsley Fay