Time to recognise our local heroes

Ayrshire Weekly Press is today launching an exciting new event to reward and recognise our amazing health care and key worker heroes.
As we approach the end of nationwide restrictions, we are stepping forward to invite readers to tell us about the loyal health professionals and key workers who have gone the extra mile.
These frontline workers have been called upon like never before yet they have risen to the challenges presented by the global pandemic.
They have overcome incredible adversity and shown tremendous strength, courage and compassion to serve their local communities.
They have put us first when we needed them most – and now we want to say thank you.
Here at the AWP, we want to share their stories and create a permanent record of their outstanding and selfless achievements. That is why we are asking our readers, our communities and our local businesses to get behind the Ayrshire Health and Key Workers Awards for 2021.
We are asking for your nominations from today, with entries in our 10 categories listed below open until June 4. We will then take these to our esteemed judging panel before the winners are announced at a gala event that will be streamed on Wednesday, June 30. And, of course, taking the ceremony to a virtual platform allows us to invite more people.
Attendance to the event will be unlimited and allow access not just for sponsors of the individual awards and nominated individuals, but also their family and friends.
The categories are Health Care Team Award, Care Home Worker of the Year, Nurse of the Year, Young Carer Award, Mental Health Award, Delivery Driver of the year, Champion Charity, Retail Worker of the year, Volunteer of the year and Key Worker of the year.
The judging panel will also select one winner for the Outstanding Achievement Award. Full details of these will be on our dedicated event website.
Paul Fisher, AWP Managing Editor, said: “This is a chance to acknowledge and celebrate some amazing people in our health and care sectors and across the board of our amazing key workers here in Ayrshire.
“From the local GP teams, vaccination teams and charities working hard every day, we are blessed with some incredible people who go above and beyond to keep us safe.
“There is amazing work done in our communities at every level and these awards are our chance to shine a light on these unsung heroes and say thank you.
“We hope the people of Ayrshire will get behind them and share with us the stories of the people who deserve special recognition.
“This will not be like any awards events we have held in previous years, but it will be special to see the names and faces of those who have gone above and beyond.”
AWP Sales Manager Jolene McGhee, added: “We think the community will get right behind this event to help us recognise some truly unsung heroes.”
Visit https://newsquestscotlandevents.com/events/healthandkey/and tell us about your local heroes and keep an eye on our newspaper websites and social media channels where we will keep you up to date or email ayrshireawards.info@newsquest.co.uk for more info.