Herald AI Business Breakfast keynote speaker: Beginning your AI Journey

I always think it is funny whenever a discussion starts about AI and the conversation immediately jumps to the likes of The Terminator or Black Mirror.

The reality is that AI does have the potential to radically change the way we work, live and play – much like in these movies and TV shows. Many people already use AI every day – whether it be online search, insurance quotes or image filters – it enables us to process and analyse data in ever more complex ways. Tasks that previously sat firmly in the realm of human are being completely redefined by advances in the technology. There is a real fear that people’s jobs are going to be automated away!

From my experience, it is clear this dystopian landscape we are so fond of painting is a long way off. In fact, I don’t think we are even heading in that direction. As more and more investment goes into developing and applying these technologies it is becoming increasingly apparent that the key component is almost always human expertise. The real value here is in freeing up time to maximise on our creativity and emotional intelligence by letting AI take care of repetitive, time-consuming manual tasks. AI can enable people to focus time and effort on more meaningful and impactful work.

The larger and more complex possibilities, of what AI can and is doing for organisations, is where it gets really exciting. This is why I am delighted to be joining The Herald’s AI Business Breakfast to discuss the possibilities of AI within business.

I am confident that the rise of the machines is some way off lies in the data. Many organisations simply are not set up for success with AI. Diving straight in without the proper foundations in place can often lead to disappointment and frustration.

Incremental Group works with all types of organisations to build AI roadmaps whereby we uncover your business problems and develop projects to solve these issues through the use of AI. Our Data Maturity Assessment is a sound starting point for uncovering your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses and where you could make quick improvements through the use of AI and other healthy data practices.

AI will continue to disrupt the world of work as well as our personal lives in new and inventive ways, it is truly an exciting time. Embracing AI is about seizing the right opportunities, making small changes and keeping human skills in mind. Organisations that do so will strive.

The Herald are delighted to be hosting The Herald AI Business Breakfast supported by Cathcart Associaties, Incremental Group and University of Strathclyde.

Here’s what some of our speakers and sponsors had to say:

Keynote speaker Adam Sroka said: “I am looking forward to hearing where experts from industry think AI will have the largest impact for them – what do they think will fundamentally change the nature of their work? Is their industry even recognisable or will it completely change?”

Liam Wilson, Business Development Manager, Cathcart Associates added: “Cathcart Associates are delighted to be involved in the Herald AI Breakfast as we continue to offer our expertise and insight into how this rapidly growing area of technology. As organisers of two of the biggest data analytics meet-ups in the UK (MancML & ScotML), the chance to play a part in this event was a no-brainer”.

Professor Crawford Revie, Department of Computer & Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde also said “In academia, the idea of “impact” is becoming ever more important. This involves taking our research & knowledge and making sure it delivers societal or economic benefits. At Strathclyde, we’re looking forward to attending The Herald AI Business Breakfast because it will give us a forum to communicate with key and influential business people who can ensure our research & expertise has a real and valued impact in business performance and subsequently on the economy.”

The event takes place on Tuesday, September 17 from 8am-10.30am at Everyman in Glasgow. Spaces to the event are limited. To secure your place visit – https://newsquestscotlandevents.com/events/aibusinessbreakfast/ or contact Kirsty Loughlin on 0141 302 6016.

Adam Sroka is Data and AI Director at Incremental Group