Jane Gotts, Director, GenAnalytics
Simon Sinek famously inspired many businesses and individuals to understand their purpose – to start with “Why”. His best seller is based on the fact that all of us, be it in a business or as individuals, have a purpose and you need to understand your own, before you focus on the what you do and how you do it.
At GenAnalytics we have a very clear understanding of our “Why” – we want to work with organisations and companies across Scotland to create more inclusive and diverse workplaces. We believe this “Why” will enable more people to realise their full potential, have equal access to opportunities and at the same time help deliver stronger economic performance for the organisation and support inclusive growth for the economy. It’s a hugely ambitious “Why”, but our “Why” doesn’t stop with our own business objectives.
We believe the “Why” of diversity and inclusion is hugely important for everyone, as is the “What” we’re doing and “How” we’re dealing with the issues and opportunities diversity and inclusion creates in our workplaces and businesses across Scotland.
To focus on this big national question, on the 23 May Scotland will host its first ever National Diversity Conference, delivered by GenAnalytics and Herald Scotland Events. We are delighted to be supported by our partners: Standard Life plc, MacRoberts, Skills Development Scotland, City of Glasgow College, YSC, Wheatley Group, Royal Mail, Taylor Wimpey, ScottishPower, and Scottish Canals.
Here are some of the “Why’s” we will be focusing on:
Why do women earn £183 per week less than a man?
Why is the unemployment rate higher for workers from ethnic minority groups than for white workers?
Why are disabled people twice as likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people?
Why are only 17% of jobs in ICT in Scotland held by women?
Why aren’t more companies doing more to support diversity and inclusion in our workplaces?
Why aren’t we better at sharing best practice and what-works knowledge?
To learn and share in the “Why”, “Where”, “What” and “Who” of Diversity and Inclusion in Scotland, then join our conference conversation and let’s collectively start with “Why”?