Glasgow Times StreetsAhead Awards 2021

2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Streets Ahead Campaign & Awards. In this anniversary year, we continued to recognise and reward incredible groups and citizens who are proud of their city and who make Glasgow and the world a better place to live and work. As COP26 conference comes to the city in November 2021, we showcased and recognised the countless people and Glasgow communities taking action to create a prosperous, safer, and greener world. The 2021 event has now taking place, thank you to our nominees, winners, and partners.

Glasgow Times Streets Ahead Awards 2021

2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Streets Ahead Campaign & Awards. In this anniversary year, we continued to recognise and reward incredible groups and citizens who are proud of their city and who make Glasgow and the world a better place to live and work. As COP26 conference comes to the city in November 2021, we showcased and recognised the countless people and Glasgow communities taking action to create a prosperous, safer, and greener world. The 2021 event has now taking place, thank you to our nominees, winners, and partners.
Nominations for the 2022 event open in November, for more details on the event please contact, Kirsty Loughlin –


The Glasgow Times would like to thank our 2021 partners for their support:


Raise your profile across Glasgow by sponsoring our awards.

If you would like more information on the opportunities available, please contact Kirsty Loughlin, Head of Events, on or 0141 302 6016.

Glasgow City Council, the largest local authority in Scotland, is delighted to join forces with the Glasgow Times for the 10th year in a row.

As a Streets Ahead partner we recognise the importance of working together to make a difference and help improve our environment for our citizens and visitors to enjoy now and for all future generations.

There is much enthusiasm and motivation for improving our environment and through the Streets Ahead initiative there is an opportunity for people of all ages and from different parts of the community to work together to enhance their surroundings and instil pride in their city.

One of the positives of the pandemic is that it has ignited a renewed community spirit and with the eyes of the world on Glasgow in November as we host the COP26 world event, we can showcase our good practice to the globe and show how our communities and partnerships are making a difference.

This fits perfectly with our aim as a local authority – a world class city with a thriving and inclusive economy where everyone can flourish.


The Glasgow Times Streets Ahead Awards recognises the efforts of local people within the communities of Glasgow. Entries are now closed for 2021.

  • People Make Glasgow Greener Award

    Many people in Glasgow go above and beyond to keep our streets, parks, businesses, and communities cleaner and more environmentally friendly.  As COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference comes to the city in November, this category has been introduced as part of the city’s People Make Glasgow Greener strategy. We want to reward an individual who gets involved in positive action to ensure the city is greener for all. Perhaps they organise recycling drives at work or school, or are the driving force behind a community initiative, or work with neighbours to keep their own street clean – this award will go to a person who steps up or speaks out to make Glasgow greener.

  • Best Clean Up Campaign

    This category celebrates the best clean-up initiatives taking place across the city. We want to hear from people who have come together to tidy up their local area, whether it’s a street, gardens, allotments or even a park. We will be looking for campaigns to demonstrate what has been achieved for the whole community. Open to individuals and groups.

  • Best Community Garden

    For this category, we will be looking for gardens which are used by the whole community. We want to hear about how they were set up, who benefits and why they deserve to win.

  • Glasgow City Council Environmental Initiative

    This award will be presented to the city’s best ‘green’ project, whether it’s a recycling scheme, a road safety initiative or something completely different. We want applicants to demonstrate what environmental benefits their projects have made to the community.

  • Glasgow City Council Green Business Award

    We’re looking for a Glasgow business, large or small, which has played its part in keeping Glasgow clean and green. It could be through recycling initiatives or waste management, or by getting involved in community projects that aim to improve the local area for everyone.

  • Best Community Initiative

    Across Glasgow, communities are banding together to improve their local areas for the benefit of everyone who lives and works there. We want to hear about the most exceptional examples of initiatives which encourage people to work together and which make a difference to people’s lives.

  • School Award

    This award will be presented to a school – nursery, primary, secondary or assisted support for learning – which can demonstrate what contribution it has made to its local community. It could be through regular clean-ups, eco-friendly initiatives or gardening – the sky is the limit!

  • Overall Award

    This overall winner will be chosen from the above categories, so nominations cannot be accepted for this category.


The Glasgow Times Streets Ahead Awards took place on June 23 virtually. The event was broadcast via the Glasgow Times Facebook account, which allowed more of the community to share in the amazing initiatives and Glaswegians playing their part for a greener more environmentally friendly city.

Click here to download a list of previous finalists and winners.

2021 Finalists & Winners

People Make Glasgow Greener Award

  • Beata Koleck – WINNER
  • Castlecroft Residents
  • Gorbals Men’s Shed
  • Susan Wilson – St Benedict’s Primary Lochend Community Allotment

Best Clean Up Campaign

  • Denmilne Community Action Group – WINNER
  • G3 Litter Free
  • Keep Drumchapel Tidy
  • Polish the Shields

Glasgow City Council Environmental Initiative

  • Gilded Lily Waste to Wishes
  • Glasgow Play-Resource Association – WINNER
  • Glasgow’s Pre-loved Uniforms
  • Pollokshields Space Force

Best Community Garden

  • G3 Growers at The Back Garden, Finnieston
  • Glasgow Women’s Library
  • Riversidehall Community Garden – WINNER
  • Woodlands Community Development Trust

Glasgow City Council Green Business Award

  • Caledonian Learner Driver Training
  • Dear Green Coffee
  • Zero Waste Market – WINNER

Best Community Initiative

  • An Empty Gunny Bag Cannot Stand by Aproxima Arts – WINNER
  • Baltic Street Adventure Playground
  • Garden Revives (Ready Steady Grow Pollokshields)
  • Men Matter Scotland
  • Mount Florida Community Council
  • Mount Vernon Community Hall

Schools Award

  • Garrowhill Primary School Bee Project
  • St Joseph’s Primary School, Woodside
  • St Roch’s Primary and Deaf School – WINNER
  • Westercraigs Children’s Forest School Plans

Overall Award

  • St Roch’s Primary and Deaf School

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or need more information on the awards, please contact Kirsty Loughlin, Senior Events Manager, on 0141 302 6016 or



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